- Oxbridge-Sounding Scammers in Spain Seduce British With Investing Schemes Credit controller Linda Reay was sorting the daily pile of bills back in 2005 at the bed- manufacturing factory where she worked near Carlisle, an industrial city in northwestern England. Then she took a phone call that would destroy her retirement dreams.
- Must-Have TIPS Show Bernanke Isn't Whipping BlackRock's Inflation Concern Treasury Inflation Protected Securities are the bonds money managers can’t afford not to own.
- Michael Dell Says His Company Will Be `Reasonably Active' in Acquisitions Dell Inc. founder Michael Dell, who announced a $3.9 billion takeover of Perot Systems Corp. last month, said his company is “rapidly developing” merger expertise and will seek more deals as part of a turnaround plan.
- Schwarzenegger Fiscal-Repairman Legacy Defined by $38 Billion Budget Gap California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, who vowed as a candidate in 2003 to tame the most populous U.S. state’s budget deficits, is fighting a new fiscal gap testing his ability to bring squabbling lawmakers together.
- Metal Users Reduce Hedging After Orders Drop on Slump, Deutsche Bank Says Consumers of copper, aluminum and other industrial metals are hedging less of their future purchases this year after orders were decimated by the financial collapse, Deutsche Bank AG said.
- Dollar Losses Are S&P 500's Gain as Correlation Nears Record: Chart of Day U.S. stocks and the dollar are moving in the opposite direction more than ever before as a weaker currency boosts the value of sales outside America.
- Caxton Joint Venture Lucidus Is Said to Start $500 Million High-Yield Fund Lucidus Capital Partners LLP, a new joint-venture of hedge fund manager Bruce Kovner’s Caxton Associates LLC, has raised about $500 million for a high-yield debt hedge fund, three people familiar with the situation said.
- Enel May Delay Decision on Renewable Energy Stake to 2010 After Debt Cut Enel SpA, Italy’s biggest utility, is prepared to delay a decision on the sale of a stake in its renewable energy business until next year after taking steps to raise cash and reduce debt.
Bloomberg News 14th October 2009
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