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Hollingsworth Daily Post

- Hamas Finds Gazan Tunnel Investors' Losing $500 Million Worse Than Madoff Investment opportunities are rare in the Gaza Strip. So when Nabila Ghabin saw one last year, she pawned her car and jewelry and put $12,000 into a network of tunnels that brought in supplies smuggled from Egypt.
- Winters Shows JPMorgan Bankers a Path to Safety, Dimon Shows Him the Door William Winters told a former colleague in London six months ago that JPMorgan Chase & Co. shunned the structured products and off-balance sheet vehicles that crippled global markets because they didn’t make financial sense.
- Britain Risked `Bank Runs, Riots' as RBS, HBOS Neared Collapse Last Year A year ago today, Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc and HBOS Plc were close to collapse, causing a chain reaction that could have ended with riots in U.K. cities, security analysts and economists said.
- RBS Faced Risk of Full Seizure by Brown at 2008 Crisis Climax, Gieve Says Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc posed such a threat to the British and global financial systems at the height of the crisis last year that Prime Minister Gordon Brown could have ended up fully seizing the bank, former Bank of England official John Gieve said.
- Jen Exits Morgan Stanley With Dollar Smile Giving BlueGold Capital Insight As a currency strategist and economist at Morgan Stanley for 13 years, Stephen Jen made market calls and forecasts. It was up to clients to decide whether to buy or sell based on his recommendations.
- EBay's Monthly Sales Increase for First Time in a Year: Chart of the Day Retailers on Inc.’s site had sales gains in August and September, the first increases since at least July 2008, according to ChannelAdvisor Corp., which helps merchants sell on EBay, and other sites.
- Parisians Waiting in Rain for Uniqlo Sweaters to Spur `Astounding' Growth While celebrities watched models strut down catwalks during fashion week in Paris, dozens of people queued in the rain to buy 40-euro cashmere sweaters at the newly opened Uniqlo store in the city’s Opera district.
- Pickens Power Play Makes Al Gore Convenient Truth for No-Import Oil Policy Trim and tanned at 81, T. Boone Pickens leans forward in his swivel chair to better hear Al Gore exhort solar and wind power. It’s a scorching August day at the National Clean Energy Summit in Las Vegas. Pickens, who has made and lost billions betting on energy in his boom-and-bust career, waits with Democratic Party bigwigs for his turn to speak. His topic: why the U.S. must wean itself from foreign oil.
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