- Bankers Challenging Rules in Vienna Find an Ally in Sovereign Debt Crisis Deutsche Bank AG Chief Executive Officer Josef Ackermann and HSBC Holdings Plc Chairman Stephen Green are among bankers with a new ally in their tug of war with politicians over stricter rules: Europe’s sovereign-debt crisis.
- Women Prefer Men Holding Government Bonds, Japan Finance Ministry Ad Says Japanese women are seeking men who invest in government bonds, according to an advertisement being run by the Ministry of Finance.
- Banks in `Downward Spiral' Buying Capital in CDOs Distrusted by Regulators U.S. banks are fighting to preserve the use of securities that help them appear better capitalized, even as their investments in each others’ notes perpetuate what one regulator calls a “downward spiral” of losses.
- Fayyad Crosses Israel With Boycott of Settler Goods From Wine to Scrubpads Palestinian inspectors were on the hunt for goods in West Bank stores made in Israeli settlements, and metal scouring pads with no labeled place of origin caught their attention.
- Lampert May Avoid Obama Tax Increase With $829 Million Hedge Fund Payout Billionaire Edward Lampert may have found a way to shield himself from millions of dollars in taxes under legislation that would raise levies on profits at private- equity firms.
- `Extremely Active' Atlantic Hurricane Season Set to Test Catastrophe Bonds As the U.S. enters this year’s hurricane season, the market for catastrophe bonds may face its biggest test since the collapse of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. in 2008 brought sales to a six-month standstill.
- Trichet Sees Compass of Life Pointing to Euro at Center of European Unity Jean-Claude Trichet used a simple chart to convince European leaders the euro was in grave danger.
- Garcia's Booming Peru Economy May Not Help Defeat Chavez-Like Challenger When Alan Garcia’s first term as president of Peru ended in 1990, the economy had shrunk by 10 percent, inflation was raging at 7,000 percent, and half the population lived in government-declared emergency zones where Maoist guerrillas were active.
- Aluminum's Price `Slingshot' to Boost Earnings for Rio Tinto, Rusal, Alcoa Rio Tinto Group’s $38 billion takeover of aluminum maker Alcan Inc. in 2007 is looking more like a money spinner for the world’s third-biggest mining company as forecasts show prices for the metal will increase.
- EDF May Get Limited Boost From Power Law as French Legislators Cap Prices Electricite de France SA investors who bought into the prospect that easing the government’s grip on the French power market would be a boon to the former monopoly may end up disappointed.
Bloomberg Daily News 9th June 2010
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