It is clear that many of you are seeking not only a good level of interest on your savings but that preserving your capital is equally as important.
New Ideas
Any experienced advisor will always re-iterate that diversifying your savings and investments is the key to success. There is no such thing as the single, ideal investment which is why we research all available products on the marketplace. Any recommendations we make to clients have therefore been carefully scrutinized by both our own internal research team and external analysts. Because of the large interest from readers last month, I have listed below some of our present recommendations for high returns and capital security:
FTSE Growth Plan
· Fixed coupon of 7.25% per annum (£)
· No initial charge
· 100% capital protected at the end of the 3-year term
· Plan closes after 1 year with fixed 7.25% return if the FTSE100 is at 90% or greater of the start price at the end of year 1. This rolls over for up to 3 years
Thematic Coupon Note
· Fixed coupon of 12% per annum (€)
· No initial charge
· 100% capital protected at the end of the 5-year term
· Basket of infrastructure and agriculture stocks
· After each year, a coupon of 12% is paid as long as the average performance of the basket has not fallen by >60%
· The note is auto-called at 100 if the performance of the basket is positive at the end of the fourth year
Hybrid Autocall
Fixed coupon of 19% per annum (£ or €)
No initial charge
100 % capital protected at the end of the 3-year term
· Basket of Commodity Indices: Crude Oil, Agricultural Commodities, Gold and Copper
· After each year, a coupon of 19% is paid as long as the worst performing basket member has not fallen by >40%
· The note is auto-called at 100 if the worst performing basket member is above it’s initial starting level at the end of each year
This is a perfect time to take advantage of the lows and receive very high, defined returns on your savings. For further information, please call and speak to one of our qualified advisors.
Mark Hollingsworth, Director, Hollingsworth International Financial Services Ltd
Tel: +357 99066840 (Cyprus Mobile), +356 21316298 (Malta Office)
e-mail: info@hollingsworth-int.com
Website: http://www.hollingsworth.eu.com/
Authorised by the Malta Financial Services Authority to provide investment services, license IS/32457